01 |
Sentinel |
08:06 |
02 |
Dark Star |
02:16 |
03 |
Clear Light |
05:47 |
04 |
Blue Saloon |
02:58 |
05 |
Sunjammer |
02:32 |
06 |
Red Dawn |
01:49 |
07 |
Bell |
06:55 |
08 |
Weightless |
05:43 |
09 |
Great Plain |
04:46 |
10 |
Sunset Door |
02:23 |
11 |
Tattoo |
04:14 |
12 |
Altered State |
05:12 |
13 |
Maya Gold |
04:00 |
14 |
Moonshine |
02:20 |
UPC (Barcode) |
093624504122 |
Written by Mike Oldfield.Produced by: Trevor Horn, Mike Oldfield and Tom Newman.Executive Producer: Rob Dickins.All titles published by EMIM usic (Publishers) Ltd./Oldfield Music OverseasLtd.Mike Oldfield plays: Electric guitar, Classical guitar, Flamenco guitar,12 String guitar, Ac oustic guitars, Mandolin, Banjo, Double speed guitar,Grand piano, Hammon organ, Synthesisers and programming, Timpani, Glockenspiel,Triangle, Ta bourine, Cymbals, Toy percussion, Handclaps, Orchestral BassDrum...plus Tubular Bells.Engineered by: Steve MacMilla, Tom Newman, Tim Weidner an d Mike Oldfield.Mixed by: Steve MacMillan and Mike Oldfield.Technical : Richard Barrie.Additional Programming and Digital Sound Processing:Er ic Cadieux.Noises and Drum Loops: Jamie Muhoberac.Drums on "Altered S tate": John Robinson.Vocals: Susannah Melvoin, Edie Lehman and Mike Old field.Vocal Solo: Sally Bradshaw.Bagpipes: P.D. Scots Pipe Band and C eltic Bevy Band.Master of Ceremonies: A Strolling Player.PA to Mike O ldfield: Jeremy Parker.